The rapper responds by syncopating and scatting, launching slightly rejiggered choruses on “”Takeover”” and the tongue-twisting “”Jigga What, Jigga Who.”” Everything clicks, but there are several moments of pure delirium: “”Heart of the City (Ain’t No Love),”” which is enlivened by a spine-tingling gospel ad-lib from Philly newcomer Jaguar Wright, and “”Can’t Knock the Hustle/Family Affair,”” which turns on an incandescent Mary J. Lyrics to the album MTV Unplugged by Jay-Z. Ignoring the blueprint of previous performances, Nirvana ditched the hits (Come As You Are is the only radio single played) for deeper album cuts and a collection of interesting covers. If The Blueprint and previous studio recordings are carefully scripted affairs built on pop song forms, Unplugged celebrates the possibilities of off-the-cuff interplay: The Roots sound like they’ve been backing Jay-Z for years - they push him to new heights just by working that minimal, relentlessly funky backbeat, supplying sparky little counterlines in the margins. Lyrics by Jay-Z, new lyrics by Jay-Z, albums by Jay-Z, songs by Jay-Z, a biography and all reviews login.

Abandoning his usual sample-based production to. Abandoning his usual sample-based production to mix it up with the fiery Roots rhythm section and a string quartet that provides more than just window dressing, he expands his familiar anthems with extemporaneous freestyle forays and smart instrumental interludes. Jay-Z gives himself an unexpected artistic makeover on the loose Unplugged, which was recorded live in November for an MTV special.

Jay-Z gives himself an unexpected artistic makeover on the loose Unplugged, which was recorded live in November for an MTV special.